Virginia House of Delegates Meeting Schedule

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House adjourned sine die at 5:38 p.m. Live and Archived Video. Having trouble viewing? Use our help and contact document. Public Comment Form

Friday, March 28

Central Virginia Transportation Authority
9:00 AM - PlanRVA, James River Boardroom, Suite 300, 424 Hull Street, Richmond, VA 23224 Map It
Virginia Board of Workforce Development - Board Meeting
9:00 AM - Virginia Works, 2221 Edward Holland Drive, Suite 500 Richmond, VA 23230 Map It
Commission on Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program
10:00 AM - Senate Room 305 / A, General Assembly Building

Tuesday, April 1 ()

Virginia Housing Commission
1:00 PM - Senate Room 311 / C, General Assembly Building
Commission on Youth
2:00 PM - Senate Room 306 / B, General Assembly Building
NEW: Joint House and Senate Committees for Courts of Justice - Judicial Interviews
3:00 PM - House Committee Room A - 008, General Assembly Building

Wednesday, April 2

Joint Rules
10:30 AM - House Committee Room B - 205, General Assembly Building
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Thursday, April 3

Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission
7:00 PM - OmniRide Transit Center, 14700 Potomac Mills Road, Woodbridge, VA 22192 Map It

Tuesday, April 8

Emergency Committee on the Impacts of Federal Workforce and Funding Reductions
10:00 AM - Virginia Tech Innovation Campus, 3625 Potomac Ave, Alexandria - Boeing Auditorium Map It
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Thursday, April 10 ()

NEW: Commission on Civic Education
10:00 AM - Senate Room 306 / B, General Assembly Building

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