Virginia House of Delegates Committee Agendas

House Rules Committee
Chair: Scott, Don

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Meeting Date & Time: 02/17/2025 Immediately upon adjournment of House
Location: House Committee Room B - 205
Active item: Meeting Adjourned
Video: Archived
Committee Clerk:
(804) 698-1541 (Hooe)
DLS Contact:
(804) 698 - 1862 (Wade), (804) 698-1888 (Jones)

Senate legislation

Bill(s) Patron
SB779 Carroll Foy Railroad safety; minimum train crew used in movement of freight, civil penalties.
SB1101 Hashmi Breakthrough Therapies for Veteran Suicide Prevention Advisory Council; established.
SB1222 Reeves Safeguarding American Veteran Empowerment Act; created, prohibited practices, penalties.
SJ255 Rouse Virginia's campaign finance laws; Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to study.
SJ258 Williams Graves Virginia's manufacturing sector; JLARC to update its 2016 study of the impact of regulations.
SJ262 Aird Rural Affairs, Secretariat of; JLARC to study need for and feasibility of creating position.

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