Favola |
Uniform Statewide Building Code; stakeholder group to evaluate temperature regulation. |
A BILL to direct the Board of Housing and Community Development to evaluate changes to the Uniform Statewide Building Code addressing temperature regulation.
Fiscal Impact
Related Bills:
HB1658 (Keys-Gamarra) - Board of Housing and Community Development; USBC; stakeholder group to evaluate temperature regulation.
Favola |
School-based mental and behavioral health services; DOE to survey local education agencies, report. |
An Act to require the Department of Education to survey local education agencies on school-based mental and behavioral health services; report.
Fiscal Impact
Last Five Actions:
2/17/2025 - Reported from Rules (17-Y 1-N) 2/19/2025 - Read second time 2/20/2025 - Read third time 2/20/2025 - Passed House (97-Y 1-N) 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB768ER) 3/7/2025 - Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB768) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025
Related Bills:
HB1947 (Seibold) - Department of Education; survey of local education agencies on school-based mental and behavioral health services; report.
Favola |
School Health Services Committee; extends sunset date. |
An Act to amend and reenact § 30-413 of the Code of Virginia, relating to School Health Services Committee; sunset.
Fiscal Impact
Last Five Actions:
2/17/2025 - Reported from Rules (17-Y 1-N) 2/19/2025 - Read second time 2/20/2025 - Read third time 2/20/2025 - Passed House (98-Y 0-N) 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB799ER) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/10/2025 - Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB799) 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025
Ebbin |
Unemployment Compensation, Commission on; increases membership, powers and duties. |
An Act to amend and reenact §§ 30-219, 30-221, and 30-222 of the Code of Virginia, relating to Commission on Unemployment Compensation; membership; compensation; powers and duties.
Fiscal Impact
Last Five Actions:
2/19/2025 - Read second time 2/20/2025 - Moved from Uncontested Calendar to Regular Calendar 2/20/2025 - Read third time 2/20/2025 - Passed House (60-Y 38-N) 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB878ER) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/10/2025 - Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB878) 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025
Perry |
Firearms; purchase, etc., assault and battery of family member or intimate partner, penalties. |
An Act to amend and reenact §§ 16.1-228 and 18.2-308.1:8 of the Code of Virginia, relating to purchase, possession, or transportation of firearm; assault and battery of a family or household member or intimate partner; penalties.
Fiscal Impact
Last Five Actions:
2/20/2025 - House requested conference committee 2/20/2025 - Conferees appointed by House 2/20/2025 - Delegates: McClure, Simon, Ennis 2/21/2025 - Conference report agreed to by House (51-Y 45-N) 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB883ER) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025 3/12/2025 - Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB883)
Related Bills:
HB1869 (McClure) - Firearms; purchase, etc., assault and battery of family member or intimate partner, penalties.
Subcommittee recommends reporting with substitute and referring to Appropriations (6-Y 4-N)
Perry |
Office of the State Inspector General; behavioral health and developmental services; required reports. |
An Act to amend and reenact § 2.2-309.1 of the Code of Virginia, relating to Office of the State Inspector General; behavioral health and developmental services; required reports.
Fiscal Impact
Last Five Actions:
2/17/2025 - Reported from Rules (18-Y 0-N) 2/19/2025 - Read second time 2/20/2025 - Read third time 2/20/2025 - Passed House (98-Y 0-N) 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB885ER) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/10/2025 - Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB885) 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025
Related Bills:
HB1578 (Campbell) - Office of the State Inspector General; behavioral health and developmental services; required reports.
Perry |
Trigger activator; definition does not include semi-automatic replacement trigger, etc., penalty. |
An Act to amend and reenact § 18.2-308.5:1 of the Code of Virginia, relating to trigger activator definition; penalty.
Fiscal Impact
Last Five Actions:
2/17/2025 - Reported from Rules (12-Y 6-N) 2/19/2025 - Read second time 2/20/2025 - Read third time 2/20/2025 - Passed House (51-Y 47-N) 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB886ER) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025 3/12/2025 - Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB886)
Related Bills:
HB1660 (Jones) - Trigger activator; definition does not include semi-automatic replacement trigger, etc., penalty.
Subcommittee recommends reporting (6-Y 4-N)
Salim |
Counties, cities, and towns; comprehensive plan may include tiny homes or accessory dwelling units. |
A BILL to amend and reenact § 15.2-2223 of the Code of Virginia, relating to counties, cities, and towns; comprehensive plan; tiny homes; accessory dwelling units.
Related Bills:
HB1832 (Simonds) - Zoning; development and use of accessory dwelling units.
HB2533 (Sewell) - Counties, cities, and towns; comprehensive plan may include tiny homes or accessory dwelling units.
SB1256 (Stanley) - Counties, cities, and towns; comprehensive plan may include use of accessory dwelling units.
Subcommittee #2
Subcommittee recommends reporting (8-Y 0-N)
Carroll Foy |
Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission; increase membership. |
An Act to amend and reenact § 17.1-802 of the Code of Virginia, relating to membership of Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission.
Fiscal Impact
Last Five Actions:
2/19/2025 - Read second time 2/20/2025 - Passed by temporarily 2/20/2025 - Read third time 2/20/2025 - Passed House (98-Y 0-N) 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB966ER) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/10/2025 - Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB966) 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025
Related Bills:
HB2111 (Herring) - Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission; increase membership.
Salim |
Affordable dwelling unit program; adds City of Falls Church to list. |
An Act to amend and reenact § 15.2-2304 of the Code of Virginia, relating to affordable dwelling unit program; City of Falls Church.
Last Five Actions:
2/17/2025 - Reported from Rules (11-Y 6-N) 2/19/2025 - Read second time 2/20/2025 - Read third time 2/20/2025 - Passed House (67-Y 31-N) 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
1/16/2025 - Read third time and passed Senate (39-Y 0-N) 3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB1011ER) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025
Related Bills:
HB2137 (Simon) - Affordable dwelling unit program; City of Falls Church.
Subcommittee #2
Subcommittee recommends reporting (8-Y 0-N)
Roem |
WIC applications; DH to provide information to food banks regarding providing assistance. |
An Act to direct the Department of Health to provide information, resources, and education to food banks regarding outreach opportunities for providing assistance to individuals completing a Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) application.
Fiscal Impact
Last Five Actions:
2/17/2025 - Reported from Rules (17-Y 1-N) 2/19/2025 - Read second time 2/20/2025 - Read third time 2/20/2025 - Passed House (86-Y 10-N) 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB1019ER) 3/7/2025 - Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB1019) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025
Social Services
Subcommittee recommends reporting (8-Y 0-N)
Diggs |
New tow truck license plates; DMV, et al., to identify information needed to design & implement. |
A BILL to direct the Department of Motor Vehicles to convene a work group to gather certain information needed to design and implement a new tow truck license plate; report.
Fiscal Impact
Roem |
Cemeteries on private property; registration by localities. |
An Act to amend and reenact § 15.2-978 of the Code of Virginia, relating to registration by localities of cemeteries on private property.
Last Five Actions:
2/20/2025 - Read third time 2/20/2025 - Counties, Cities and Towns Amendments agreed to 2/20/2025 - Engrossed by House as amended 2/20/2025 - Passed House with amendments (56-Y 42-N) 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
2/20/2025 - House Amendments agreed to by Senate (23-Y 16-N) 3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB1118ER) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025
Subcommittee #2
Subcommittee recommends reporting with amendment(s) (8-Y 0-N)
Salim |
Solar photovoltaic equipment, etc.; national environmental protection and product safety standards. |
An Act to amend the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 2.2-4328.3, relating to Virginia Public Procurement Act; environmental protection and product safety standards.
Fiscal Impact
Last Five Actions:
2/17/2025 - Reported from Rules (12-Y 5-N) 2/19/2025 - Read second time 2/20/2025 - Read third time 2/20/2025 - Passed House (63-Y 35-N) 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB1165ER) 3/7/2025 - Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB1165) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025
Related Bills:
HB2024 (Seibold) - Solar photovoltaic equipment, etc.; national environmental protection and product safety standards.
Carroll Foy |
Va. Economic Development Partnership; evaluation of new economic development incentives. |
A BILL directing the Virginia Economic Development Partnership to evaluate the benefits and impacts of new economic development incentives for companies engaging in the microchip and semiconductor and related equipment and material supplies sector; report.
Fiscal Impact
Deeds |
Higher educational institutions, baccalaureate public; intercollegiate athletics programs, etc. |
A BILL to amend and reenact § 23.1-1309 of the Code of Virginia, relating to baccalaureate public institutions of higher education; boards of visitors; intercollegiate athletics programs; athletics revenue and subsidy requirements; report.
Fiscal Impact
Reeves |
Legislator Compensation Commission; established, report, appointment of members. |
An Act to amend and reenact § 30-19.11 of the Code of Virginia and to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Chapter 1.1 of Title 30 an article numbered 2, consisting of sections numbered 30-19.21 and 30-19.22, relating to General Assembly; Legislator Compensation Commission established.
Fiscal Impact
Last Five Actions:
2/20/2025 - Engrossed by House as amended 2/20/2025 - Passed House with amendments (64-Y 34-N) 2/20/2025 - Reconsideration of House passage agreed to by House 2/20/2025 - Passed House with amendments (Y-58 N-39 A-0) 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB1219ER) 3/10/2025 - Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB1219) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025
McDougle |
Cybersecurity; electric service by investor-owned electric utilities, report. |
An Act to convene a work group to evaluate cybersecurity as it relates to the provision of electric service by investor-owned electric utilities and electric cooperatives.
Fiscal Impact
Last Five Actions:
2/20/2025 - Read third time 2/20/2025 - Rules Substitute agreed to 2/20/2025 - Engrossed by House - committee substitute 2/20/2025 - Passed House with substitute (98-Y 0-N) 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
2/20/2025 - House substitute agreed to by Senate (39-Y 0-N) 3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB1239ER) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025
DeSteph |
Fentanyl and Heroin Enforcement, Task Force on; quarterly meetings. |
An Act to require the Task Force on Fentanyl and Heroin Enforcement to meet quarterly.
Fiscal Impact
Last Five Actions:
2/20/2025 - Conferees appointed by House 2/20/2025 - Delegates: Helmer, Simon, Austin 2/22/2025 - Conference report agreed to by House (97-Y 0-N) 2/22/2025 - Conference report agreed to by both chambers 3/7/2025 - Signed by Speaker
Senate Committee Actions:
3/7/2025 - Enrolled 3/7/2025 - Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB1278ER) 3/10/2025 - Signed by President 3/10/2025 - Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB1278) 3/11/2025 - Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2025
Perry |
Core emergency management functions; DEM to study reliance on federal grants. |
A BILL to direct the Department of Emergency Management to convene work groups to (i) study the reliance of the Commonwealth and its localities on federal grants for core emergency management functions, (ii) study and develop a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework to take effect during a disaster for which a state of emergency has been declared, and (iii) study and develop solutions to address breaks in technology continuity among communities across the Commonwealth during emergencies; report.
Fiscal Impact
Related Bills:
SB1325 (Roem) - COVID-19 pandemic; DEM to convene work group to study the Commonwealth's response, report.
Marsden |
Coastal storm risk mgmt.; Office of Commonwealth Resilience to study costs of feasibility studies |
A BILL to direct the Office of Commonwealth Resilience to conduct a study related to the costs of coastal storm risk management feasibility studies; report.
Fiscal Impact
Suetterlein |
Continuity of Operations; Secretary of Public Safety & Homeland Sec. to study centralized framework. |
A BILL to direct the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security to convene a work group to determine the feasibility of establishing a centralized Continuity of Operations framework across all state agencies for use when an emergency has been declared; report.
Fiscal Impact
Suetterlein |
Dynamic stockpile strategy; Div. of Purchases & Supply, et al., to study use in times of emergency. |
A BILL to direct the Division of Purchases and Supply, in conjunction with the Department of Emergency Management, to study and recommend a dynamic stockpile strategy for use in times of emergencies; report.
Fiscal Impact
Favola |
Emergency management and state health regions, etc.; study of makeup and composition. |
A BILL to direct the Department of Emergency Management and the Department of Health to study the makeup and composition of the emergency management regions, state health regions, and local health districts; report.
Fiscal Impact
Marsden |
Public Safety & Homeland Security & HHR, Secretaries of; combat sale of illicit cannabis products. |
A BILL to direct the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security and the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to convene a work group to analyze current efforts in the Commonwealth to combat the sale of illicit cannabis products and develop recommendations to enhance such enforcement efforts with a focus on protecting consumers and children from harmful, untested, and unregulated products; report.
Fiscal Impact
Related Bills:
HB2366 (Coyner) - Public Safety & Homeland Security & HHR, Secretaries of; combat sale of illicit cannabis products.