Virginia House of Delegates Committee Agendas

House Rules Committee
Chair: Scott, Don

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Meeting Date & Time: 02/17/2025 07:00 AM
Location: House Committee Room B - 205
Testimony: Signup to speak or submit comments
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Active item: Meeting Adjourned
Video: Archived
Committee Clerk:
(804) 698-1541 (Hooe)
DLS Contact:
(804) 698-1862 (Wade), (804) 698-1888 (Jones)


Bill(s) Patron
HJ673 Herring Confirming appointments by the Speaker of the House of Delegates.
HR711 Herring Confirming nominations; House Ethics Advisory Panel.

Senate bills

Bill(s) Patron
SB748 Favola Uniform Statewide Building Code; stakeholder group to evaluate temperature regulation.
SB768 Favola School-based mental and behavioral health services; DOE to survey local education agencies, report.
SB799 Favola School Health Services Committee; extends sunset date.
SB878 Ebbin Unemployment Compensation, Commission on; increases membership, powers and duties.
SB883 Perry Firearms; purchase, etc., assault and battery of family member or intimate partner, penalties.
SB885 Perry Office of the State Inspector General; behavioral health and developmental services; required reports.
SB886 Perry Trigger activator; definition does not include semi-automatic replacement trigger, etc., penalty.
SB932 Salim Counties, cities, and towns; comprehensive plan may include tiny homes or accessory dwelling units.
SB966 Carroll Foy Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission; increase membership.
SB1011 Salim Affordable dwelling unit program; adds City of Falls Church to list.
SB1019 Roem WIC applications; DH to provide information to food banks regarding providing assistance.
SB1028 Diggs New tow truck license plates; DMV, et al., to identify information needed to design & implement.
SB1118 Roem Cemeteries on private property; registration by localities.
SB1165 Salim Solar photovoltaic equipment, etc.; national environmental protection and product safety standards.
SB1184 Carroll Foy Va. Economic Development Partnership; evaluation of new economic development incentives.
SB1217 Deeds Higher educational institutions, baccalaureate public; intercollegiate athletics programs, etc.
SB1219 Reeves Legislator Compensation Commission; established, report, appointment of members.
SB1239 McDougle Cybersecurity; electric service by investor-owned electric utilities, report.
SB1278 DeSteph Fentanyl and Heroin Enforcement, Task Force on; quarterly meetings.
SB1326 Perry Core emergency management functions; DEM to study reliance on federal grants.
SB1337 Marsden Coastal storm risk mgmt.; Office of Commonwealth Resilience to study costs of feasibility studies
SB1374 Suetterlein Continuity of Operations; Secretary of Public Safety & Homeland Sec. to study centralized framework.
SB1375 Suetterlein Dynamic stockpile strategy; Div. of Purchases & Supply, et al., to study use in times of emergency.
SB1385 Favola Emergency management and state health regions, etc.; study of makeup and composition.
SB1442 Marsden Public Safety & Homeland Security & HHR, Secretaries of; combat sale of illicit cannabis products.

Designating Days, Weeks, and Months

Bill(s) Patron
SJ250 Carroll Foy Women Veterans Day; designating as June 12, 2025, and each succeeding year thereafter.
SJ254 Perry Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes Awareness Month; designating as May 2025 & each succeeding year thereafter.
SJ261 Pekarsky Specialized Education School Week; designating as first week of Oct. 2025 & each succeeding year.
SJ264 Bagby Virginia Private College Week; designating as week of July 13, 2025, & 3rd week of July each year.
SJ269 VanValkenburg Persian Heritage Month.
SJ278 Jordan Native Plant Month.

Miscellaneous resolutions

Bill(s) Patron
SJ251 Locke Public school libraries; JLARC to study removal of books.
SJ253 Surovell General elections; joint subcommittee to study consolidation and scheduling.
SJ259 Surovell Study; JLARC; methodology used to determine judicial allocations; report.
SJ263 Aird Surry County; DOT to study need for constructing bridge to James City County or Charles City County.
SJ280 Rouse Commending the 2025 House-Senate basketball game to benefit Massey Cancer Center.

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