Virginia House of Delegates Committee Agendas

House Public Safety Committee
Chair: Simon, Marcus B.

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Meeting Date & Time: 01/31/2025 08:00 AM
Location: House Committee Room A - 008
Testimony: Signup to speak or submit comments
Notes: Remote public testimony will not be taken at this meeting
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Public Comments
Video: Scheduled
Committee Clerk:
(804) 698- 1548 (Teague)
DLS Contact:
Joanne Frye, Sr. Attorney; Sabrina Miller-Bryson, Sr. Attorney (804) 698 - 1868 (Frye), (804) 698-1876 (Miller-Bryson)

Bills not heard in subcommittee

Bill(s) Patron
HB1607 Helmer Purchase, sale, transfer, etc., of assault firearms and certain ammunition feeding devices prohibited; penalties.
HB1876 Callsen Carrying a firearm or explosive material within Capitol Square or building owned or leased by the Commonwealth; exemptions; public institutions of higher education; penalty.
HB1977 Hernandez Weapons; possession prohibited in a hospital that provides mental health or developmental services.
HB2202 Freitas Concealed handgun; carrying without a permit.
HB2631 Hayes Firearms; purchase, at least five day waiting period, penalty.
HB2725 Rasoul Surveillance technology; reporting by law-enforcement agencies and sheriff's departments.

Firearms Subcommittee Report

Bills favorably recommended during January 30th subcommittee meeting will be added to this agenda

Bill(s) Patron
HB1597 Feggans Secure storage of firearms; penalties.
HB1660 Jones Trigger activator definition; penalty.
HB2241 Tran Firearms, etc.; possession, etc., by person convicted of hate crime.

Public Safety Subcommittee Report - Uncontested Bills

HB2522 will be incorporated into HB2071 by voice vote

Bill(s) Patron
HB2071 Thomas Department of Veterans Services; powers and duties of Commissioner; identification of incarcerated veterans.
HB2193 Freitas Virginia National Guard; deployment to active duty combat.
HB2221 Cousins Prisoners; Department of Corrections-issued and jailer-issued identification, report.
HB2522 Fowler DVS; powers and duties of Commissioner, identification of incarcerated veterans.

Public Safety Subcommittee Report - Contested Bills

Bill(s) Patron
HB2435 Webert Arrest and prosecution when experiencing or reporting overdose; notification to prescriber.
HB2520 Cole Sexual Offense Prevention and Response Program; established, report.

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