Virginia House of Delegates Committee Agendas

House Appropriations - Elementary and Secondary Subcommittee Committee
Chair: Rasoul, Sam

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Meeting Date & Time: 01/29/2025 Immediately upon adjournment of Appropriations Committee
Location: House Appropriations Committee Room - 1200
Active item: Meeting Adjourned
Video: Archived
Committee Clerk:
804-698-1942 (Jackson) 804-698-1590 (Karnes)
(804) 698-1592

Bills Before the Subcommittee

Bill(s) Patron
HB1679 Cohen SOL; Bd. of Education shall prioritize incorporation of assessments in languages other than English.
HB1829 Simonds Mathematics teachers; BOE shall take certain regulatory actions relating to add-on endorsements.
HB1958 Bennett-Parker School breakfasts; availability at no cost to students.
HB2017 Anthony Public schools; student support services, student personal information and data security, report.
HB2451 Glass Child Care Subsidy Program; income-based eligibility for assistance.
HB2601 Glass Teachers; daily student attendance records.
HB2608 Convirs-Fowler History Education Advisory Board; established, report.
HB2733 Higgins Students; statewide mobile application for reporting of suspicious activity.

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