Virginia House of Delegates Committee Agendas

House Appropriations - General Government and Capital Outlay Subcommittee Committee
Chair: Hayes, C. E. Cliff

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Meeting Date & Time: 01/27/2025 Immediately upon adjournment of Appropriations Committee
Location: House Appropriations Committee Room - 1200
Testimony: Signup to speak or submit comments
Additional Resource(s):
Public Comments
Active item: Meeting Adjourned
Video: Archived
Committee Clerk:
804-698-1942 (Jackson), 804-698-1590 (Karnes)
(804) 698-1823

Bills Before the Subcommittee

Wrongful Incarceration

Bill(s) Patron
HB1586 Ware Claims; Michael Haas; compensation for wrongful inclusion on sex offender registry.
HB1776 Sullivan Relief; Grimm, Marvin Leon, Jr., compensation for wrongful incarceration.
HB1780 Sullivan Relief; Merritt, Gilbert, III, compensation for wrongful incarceration.
HB2691 Seibold Relief; Duffy, Keshawn Clarence, compensation for wrongful incarceration.
HB1914 Sullivan Compensation for wrongful incarceration; compensation for certain intentional acts.

Bills Before the Subcommittee

Other General Government and Capital Outlay Legislation

Bill(s) Patron
HB2136 Keys-Gamarra Public Utility Ombudsman,Office of the; established, effective date.
HB2152 Carr Virginia Freedom of Information Act; public body's FOIA officer training.
HB2264 Tran Taxation, Department of; repealing Virginia Free File Tax program.
HB2322 Davis Appointment of counsel for accused; felonies punishable by mandatory minimum term of confinement.
HB2565 Leftwich Subpoenas duces tecum; financial records of nonparty, report.

Bills Before the Subcommittee


Bill(s) Patron
HB2276 Price Voter registration; list maintenance activities, cancellation procedures, required record matches.

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