Virginia House of Delegates Committee Agendas

House General Laws - Housing/Consumer Protection Committee
Chair: Simon, Marcus B.

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Meeting Date & Time: 01/23/2025 Immediately upon adjournment of full committee
Location: House Committee Room B - 205
Testimony: Signup to speak or submit comments
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Committee Clerk:
(804) 698-1940
DLS Contact:
804-698-1812 (Binns); 804-698-1868 (Frye); 804-698-1870 (Mey); 804-698-1825 (Nelson)

Bills to be heard

Bill(s) Patron
HB1943 Cole Virginia Fair Housing Law; unlawful discriminatory housing practices.
HB2229 Cousins Virginia Residential Landlord & Tenant Act; material noncompliance by landlord, rent escrow, relief.
HB2067 Garrett Statewide Fire Prevention Code; consumer fireworks, penalties.
HB1973 Bennett-Parker Affordable housing; preservation, definitions, civil penalty.
HB1872 Hernandez Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; adverse action by landlord; tenant remedies.
HB2348 Hernandez Virginia Residential Property Disclosure Act; flood-related disclosures.
HB2203 Kilgore Housing and Community Development, Dept. of; consolidation of varying due dates for certain reports.
HB2134 Krizek American Indians, Va. recognized tribes, and federally recognized tribes; definitions, sovereignty.
HB2570 Leftwich Uniform Statewide Building Code; amendments; natural gas leak detectors.
HB1932 LeVere Bolling Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity, Task Force on; created, report.
HB2122 Maldonado Manufactured Home Lot Rental Act; landlord obligations.
HB1867 McClure Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; terms and conditions of rental agreement; renewal notice.
HB2542 Seibold Common interest communities; amateur radio antennas permitted.
HB1879 Sewell Department of Housing and Community Development; rental assistance pilot program.
HB2218 Tran Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; rental payment methods.
HB2149 Carr Zoning for Housing Production Pilot Program; created, report.
HB2151 Carr Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; revises definitions of community land trust.
HB1719 Price Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; landlord remedies; noncompliance with rental agreement.
HB2110 Simon Resale Disclosure Act; resale certificate, prohibition on requiring purchaser's name.
HB2396 Simon Land records notification system; duties of real estate settlement agent.
HB2430 Simon Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; fee disclosure statement.
HB2065 Thomas Fire Programs Fund; aid to localities, requirement for emergency incidents reporting.

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