Privileges and Elections - Campaign Finance (Convirs-Fowler, Kelly K.) |
7:00 AM - House North Subcommittee Room - 200, General Assembly Building |
Speaker’s Interfaith Devotional |
7:00 AM - Speaker's Conference Room, General Assembly Building |
Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources - Natural Resources Subcommittee (Tran, Kathy KL) |
7:30 AM - House Committee Room B - 205, General Assembly Building |
Conservative Energy Caucus |
7:30 AM - House Subcommittee Room 8, General Assembly Building |
Counties Cities and Towns - Subcommittee #1 (Shin, Irene ) |
7:30 AM - House Committee Room C - 206, General Assembly Building |
Education (Rasoul, Sam ) |
8:00 AM - House Committee Room A - 008, General Assembly Building |
Communications, Technology and Innovation - Technology and Innovation Subcommittee (Seibold, Holly M.) |
8:00 AM - House South Subcommittee Room - 210, General Assembly Building |
Education - Early Childhood (Convirs-Fowler, Kelly K.) |
Immediately upon adjournment of full committee - House Committee Room A - 008, General Assembly Building |
Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources (Lopez, Alfonso H.) |
9:00 AM - House Committee Room B - 205, General Assembly Building |
Appropriations - Higher Education Subcommittee (Carr, Betsy B.) |
10:00 AM - House Appropriations Committee Room - 1200, General Assembly Building |
NEW: Press Conference: HB2366/SB1442 Protecting Kids & Consumers from Illicit Marijuana Products |
10:00 AM - House Briefing Room, General Assembly Building |
Press Conference: The 5000 Families pilot program |
10:30 AM - House Briefing Room, General Assembly Building |
Democratic Caucus |
11:00 AM - House Room 1, Capitol |
Republican Caucus |
11:00 AM - House Room 2, Capitol |
Finance (Watts, Vivian E.) |
15 Minutes after adjournment of House - House Committee Room B - 205, General Assembly Building |
Appropriations - Transportation and Public Safety Subcommittee (Krizek, Paul E.) |
Immediately upon adjournment of Appropriations Committee - House Appropriations Committee Room - 1200, General Assembly Building |
Appropriations (Torian, Luke E.) |
15 minutes after adjournment of House - House Appropriations Committee Room - 1200, General Assembly Building |
Appropriations - Transportation and Public Safety Subcommittee (Krizek, Paul E.) |
Immediately upon adjournment of Appropriations Committee - House Appropriations Committee Room - 1200, General Assembly Building |
Appropriations - Commerce, Agriculture and Natural Resources Subcommittee (Bulova, David L.) |
Immediately Upon Adjournment of the Transportation & Public Safety Subcommittee - House Appropriations Committee Room - 1200, General Assembly Building |
Courts of Justice (Hope, Patrick A.) |
1 hour after adjournment of the House - House Committee Room C - 206, General Assembly Building |
Courts of Justice - Civil (Simon, Marcus B.) |
15 minutes after adjournment of House - House North Subcommittee Room - 200, General Assembly Building |
Virginia Environmental & Renewable Energy Caucus |
3:30 PM - House Subcommittee Room 10, General Assembly Building |
Courts of Justice - Criminal (Watts, Vivian E.) |
1 hour after adjournment of the House - House Committee Room C - 206, General Assembly Building |
Career & Technical Education Caucus |
4:00 PM - House Subcommittee Room 9, General Assembly Building |
Transportation - Highway Safety and Policy (Reid, David A.) View Agenda |
Transportation - Innovations (Ad Hoc) (Glass, Jackie Hope) View Agenda |
Immediately upon adjournment of Subcommittee Transportation - Highway Safety and Policy - House South Subcommittee Room - 210, General Assembly Building Signup to speak or submit comments |
Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources - Agriculture Subcommittee (Helmer, Dan ) |
4:00 PM - House South Subcommittee Room - 210, General Assembly Building |