House Committee Report 02/02/2017

House Labor and Commerce Committee - Chair: Jeion Ward

Meeting Date & Time: 02/02/2017
HB1656 Reported from Commerce and Labor (16-Y 4-N)
HB1835 Reported from Commerce and Labor with substitute (21-Y 0-N)
HB2108 Reported from Commerce and Labor with substitute (11-Y 9-N 1-A)
HB2267 Reported from Commerce and Labor with substitute (21-Y 0-N)
HB2303 Reported from Commerce and Labor with substitute (18-Y 2-N 1-A)
HB2318 Reported from Commerce and Labor with substitute (21-Y 0-N)
HB2358 Reported from Commerce and Labor with substitute (20-Y 0-N)
HB2390 Reported from Commerce and Labor with amendments (16-Y 3-N 1-A)
HB2411 Reported from Commerce and Labor with amendments (15-Y 6-N)
HB2103 Stricken from docket by Commerce and Labor
HB2210 Tabled in Commerce and Labor
HB2413 Tabled in Commerce and Labor
HB2419 Tabled in Commerce and Labor
HB2430 Tabled in Commerce and Labor

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