Virginia House of Delegates Member Listings

House adjourned at 1:01 p.m. to meet on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 12 m.

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Delegate SeniorityParty
Anthony, Bonita G.84D
Arnold, Jonathan E.65R
Askew, Alex Q.67D
Austin, Terry L.24R
Ballard, Jason S.51R
Batten, Amanda E.45R
Bennett-Parker, Elizabeth B.52D
Bloxom, Robert S., Jr.28R
Bulova, David L.10D
Callsen, Katrina E.85D
Campbell, Ellen H.64R
Carr, Betsy B.16D
Cherry, Mike A.53R
Clark, Nadarius E.68D
Cohen, Laura Jane86D
Cole, Joshua G.66D
Convirs-Fowler, Kelly K.36D
Cordoza, A.C.58R
Cousins, Rae C.72D
Coyner, Carrie E.44R
Davis, Will P.77R
Delaney, Karrie K.34D
Earley, Mark L., Jr.90R
Ennis, N. Baxter74R
Feggans, Michael97D
Fowler, Hyland F. (Buddy), Jr.25R
Freitas, Nicholas J.30R
Gardner, Debra D.92D
Garrett, Thomas A., Jr.69R
Gilbert, C. Todd9R
Glass, Jackie Hope62D
Green, W. Chad, Sr.81R
Griffin, Timothy P.73R
Hayes, C. E. (Cliff), Jr.33D
Helmer, Dan40D
Henson, Rozia A., Jr.76D
Hernandez, Phil M.70D
Herring, Charniele L.13D
Higgins, Geary M.89R
Hodges, M. Keith21R
Hope, Patrick A.14D
Jones, Michael J.88D
Kent, Hillary Pugh83R
Keys-Gamarra, Karen93D
Kilgore, Terry G.2R
Knight, Barry D.11R
Krizek, Paul E.32D
Laufer, Amy J.82D
Leftwich, James A. (Jay), Jr.23R
LeVere Bolling, Destiny L.96D
Lopez, Alfonso H.19D
Lovejoy, Ian T.95R
Maldonado, Michelle Lopes57D
Marshall, Daniel W., III6R
Martinez, Fernando J.98D
McClure, Adele Y.71D
McNamara, Joseph P.38R
McQuinn, Delores L.12D
Milde, Paul V., III79R
Morefield, James W. (Will)15R
Mundon King, Candi49D
Oates, Delores80R
Obenshain, Chris87R
O'Quinn, Israel D.22R
Orrock, Robert D., Sr.1R
Owen, David L.94R
Phillips, Eric J.99R
Price, Marcia S. (Cia)31D
Rasoul, Sam27D
Reaser, Atoosa R.75D
Reid, David A.37D
Runion, Chris41R
Scott, Don47D
Scott, Phillip A.56R
Seibold, Holly M.63D
Sewell, Briana D.50D
Shin, Irene59D
Sickles, Mark D.8D
Simon, Marcus B.26D
Simonds, Shelly A.42D
Singh, J J100D
Sullivan, Richard C. (Rip), Jr.29D
Tata, Anne Ferrell H.60R
Taylor, Kimberly A.55R
Thomas, Josh78D
Torian, Luke E.17D
Tran, Kathy KL35D
Wachsmann, Howard Otto, Jr.61R
Walker, Wendell S.39R
Ward, Jeion A.7D
Ware, R. Lee4R
Watts, Vivian E.3D
Webert, Michael J.20R
Wiley, William D. (Bill)48R
Willett, Rodney T.43D
Williams, Wren M.54R
Wilt, Tony O.18R
Wright, Thomas C., Jr.5R
Wyatt, Scott A.46R
Zehr, Eric91R

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