Virginia House of Delegates Member Listings

House adjourned at 12:49 p.m. to meet on Monday, January 20, 2025, at 12 m.

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Delegate District #Cities & Counties RepresentedEmailParty
Anthony, Bonita G.92ndCities of Chesapeake (part) and Norfolk (part)DelBAnthony@house.virginia.govD
Arnold, Jonathan E.46thCounties of Grayson, Pulaski (part), Smyth, and WytheDelJArnold@house.virginia.govR
Askew, Alex Q.95thCities of Norfolk (part) and Virginia Beach (part)DelAAskew@house.virginia.govD
Austin, Terry L.37thCounties of Alleghany, Botetourt , Craig, and Rockbridge (part); Cities of Buena Visa, Covington, and LexingtonDelTAustin@house.virginia.govR
Ballard, Jason S.42ndCounties of Giles, Montgomery (part), and Pulaski (part); City of RadfordDelJBallard@house.virginia.govR
Batten, Amanda E.71stCounties of James City (part) and New Kent (part); City of WilliamsburgDelABatten@house.virginia.govR
Bennett-Parker, Elizabeth B.5thCity of Alexandria (part)DelEBennett-Parker@house.virginia.govD
Bloxom, Robert S., Jr.100thCounties of Accomack and Northampton; City of Virginia Beach (part)DelRBloxom@house.virginia.govR
Bulova, David L.11thCounty of Fairfax (part); City of FairfaxDelDBulova@house.virginia.govD
Callsen, Katrina E.54thCounty of Albemarle (part); City of CharlottesvilleDelKCallsen@house.virginia.govD
Campbell, Ellen H.36thCounties of Augusta (part) and Rockbridge (part); Cities of Staunton and WaynesboroDelECampbell@house.virginia.govR
Carr, Betsy B.78thCity of Richmond (part)DelBCarr@house.virginia.govD
Cherry, Mike A.74thCounty of Chesterfield (part); City of Colonial HeightsDelMCherry@house.virginia.govR
Clark, Nadarius E.84thCounties of Chesapeake (part) and Isle of Wight (part); Cities of Franklin and Suffolk (part)DelNClark@house.virginia.govD
Cohen, Laura Jane15thCounty of Fairfax (part)DelLJCohen@house.virginia.govD
Cole, Joshua G.65thCounties of Spotsylvania (part) and Stafford (part); City of FredericksburgDelJCole@house.virginia.govD
Convirs-Fowler, Kelly K.96thCity of Virginia Beach (part)DelKConvirs-Fowler@house.virginia.govD
Cordoza, A.C.86thCounty of York (part); Cities of Hampton (part) and PoquosonDelACCordoza@house.virginia.govR
Cousins, Rae C.79thCity of Richmond (part)DelRCousins@house.virginia.govD
Coyner, Carrie E.75thCounties of Chesterfield (part) and Prince George (part); City of HopewellDelCCoyner@house.virginia.govR
Davis, Will P.39thCounties of Franklin and Roanoke (part)DelWDavis@house.virginia.govR
Delaney, Karrie K.9thCounty of Fairfax (part)DelKDelaney@house.virginia.govD
Earley, Mark L., Jr.73rdCounty of Chesterfield (part)DelMEarley@house.virginia.govR
Ennis, N. Baxter89thCities of Chesapeake (part) and Suffolk (part)DelBEnnis@house.virginia.govR
Feggans, Michael97thCity of Virginia Beach (part)DelMFeggans@house.virginia.govD
Fowler, Hyland F. (Buddy), Jr.59thCounties of Hanover (part), Henrico (part), and Louisa (part)DelBFowler@house.virginia.govR
Freitas, Nicholas J.62ndCounties of Culpeper (part), Greene, Madison, and Orange (part)DelNFreitas@house.virginia.govR
Gardner, Debra D.76thCounty of Chesterfield (part)DelDGardner@house.virginia.govD
Garrett, Thomas A., Jr.56thCounties of Appomattox, Buckingham, Cumberland, Fluvanna (part), Goochland (part), Louisa (part), and Prince Edward (part)DelTGarrett@house.virginia.govR
Gilbert, C. Todd33rdCounties of Page, Rockingham (part), Shenandoah, and Warren (part)DelTGilbert@house.virginia.govR
Glass, Jackie Hope93rdCity of Norfolk (part)DelJGlass@house.virginia.govD
Green, W. Chad, Sr.69thCounties of Gloucester (part), James City (part), and York (part); City of Newport News (part)DelCGreen@house.virginia.govR
Griffin, Timothy P.53rdCounties of Amherst, Bedford (part), and Nelson (part)DelTGriffin@house.virginia.govR
Hayes, C. E. (Cliff), Jr.91stCities of Chesapeake (part) and Portsmouth (part)DelCHayes@house.virginia.govD
Helmer, Dan10thCounty of Fairfax (part)DelDHelmer@house.virginia.govD
Henson, Rozia A., Jr.19thCounties of Fairfax (part) and Prince William (part)DelRHenson@house.virginia.govD
Hernandez, Phil M.94thCity of Norfolk (part)DelPHernandez@house.virginia.govD
Herring, Charniele L.4thCounty of Fairfax (part); City of Alexandria (part)DelCHerring@house.virginia.govD
Higgins, Geary M.30thCounties of Fauquier (part) and Loudoun (part)DelGHiggins@house.virginia.govR
Hodges, M. Keith68thCounties of Essex, Gloucester (part), King and Queen, King William, Mathews, and MiddlesexDelKHodges@house.virginia.govR
Hope, Patrick A.1stCounty of Arlington (part)DelPHope@house.virginia.govD
Jones, Michael J.77thCounty of Chesterfield (part); City of Richmond (part)DelMJones@house.virginia.govD
Kent, Hillary Pugh67thCounties of Caroline (part), King George, Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, and WestmorelandDelHKent@house.virginia.govR
Keys-Gamarra, Karen7thCounty of Fairfax (part)DelKKeys-Gamarra@house.virginia.govD
Kilgore, Terry G.45thCounties of Dickenson (part), Lee, Scott, and Wise; City of NortonDelTKilgore@house.virginia.govR
Knight, Barry D.98thCity of Virginia Beach (part)DelBKnight@house.virginia.govR
Krizek, Paul E.16thCounty of Fairfax (part)DelPKrizek@house.virginia.govD
Laufer, Amy J.55thCounties of Albemarle (part), Fluvanna (part), Louisa (part), and Nelson (part)DelALaufer@house.virginia.govD
Leftwich, James A. (Jay), Jr.90thCity of Chesapeake (part)DelJLeftwich@house.virginia.govR
LeVere Bolling, Destiny L.80thCounty of Henrico (part)DelDLeVereBolling@house.virginia.govD
Lopez, Alfonso H.3rdCounty of Arlington (part); City of Alexandria (part)DelALopez@house.virginia.govD
Lovejoy, Ian T.22ndCounty of Prince William (part)DelILovejoy@house.virginia.govR
Maldonado, Michelle Lopes20thCounty of Prince William (part); Cities of Manassas and Manassas ParkDelMMaldonado@house.virginia.govD
Marshall, Daniel W., III49thCounties of Halifax (part) and Pittsylvania (part); City of DanvilleDelDMarshall@house.virginia.govR
Martinez, Fernando J.29thCounty of Loudoun (part)DelMMartinez@house.virginia.govD
McClure, Adele Y.2ndCounty of Arlington (part)DelAMcClure@house.virginia.govD
McNamara, Joseph P.40thCounty of Roanoke (part); Cities of Roanoke (part) and SalemDelJMcNamara@house.virginia.govR
McQuinn, Delores L.81stCounties of Charles City, Chesterfield (part), and Henrico (part)DelDMcQuinn@house.virginia.govD
Milde, Paul V., III64thCounty of Stafford (part)DelPMilde@house.virginia.govR
Morefield, James W. (Will)43rdCounties of Bland, Buchanan, Dickenson (part), Russell (part), and TazewellDelJMorefield@house.virginia.govR
Mundon King, Candi23rdCounties of Prince William (part) and Stafford (part)DelCMundonKing@house.virginia.govD
Oates, Delores31stCounties of Clarke, Frederick (part), and Warren (part)DelDOates@house.virginia.govR
Obenshain, Chris41stCounties of Montgomery (part) and Roanoke (part)DelCObenshain@house.virginia.govR
O'Quinn, Israel D.44thCounties of Russell (part) and Washington; City of BristolDeliOquinn@house.virginia.govR
Orrock, Robert D., Sr.66thCounties of Caroline (part) and Spotsylvania (part)DelBOrrock@house.virginia.govR
Owen, David L.57thCounties of Goochland (part) and Henrico (part)DelDOwen@house.virginia.govR
Phillips, Eric J.48thCounties of Henry (part) and Pittsylvania (part); City of MartinsvilleDelEPhillips@house.virginia.govR
Price, Marcia S. (Cia)85thCity of Newport News (part)DelMPrice@house.virginia.govD
Rasoul, Sam38thCity of Roanoke (part)DelSRasoul@house.virginia.govD
Reaser, Atoosa R.27thCounty of Loudoun (part)DelAReaser@house.virginia.govD
Reid, David A.28thCounty of Loudoun (part)DelDReid@house.virginia.govD
Runion, Chris35thCounties of Augusta (part), Bath, Highland, and Rockingham (part)DelCRunion@house.virginia.govR
Scott, Don88thCity of Portsmouth (part)DelDScott@house.virginia.govD
Scott, Phillip A.63rdCounties of Orange (part) and Spotsylvania (part)DelPScott@house.virginia.govR
Seibold, Holly M.12thCounty of Fairfax (part)DelHSeibold@house.virginia.govD
Sewell, Briana D.25thCounty of Prince William (part)DelBSewell@house.virginia.govD
Shin, Irene8thFairfax County, HerndonDelIShin@house.virginia.govD
Sickles, Mark D.17thCounty of Fairfax (part)DelMSickles@house.virginia.govD
Simon, Marcus B.13thCounty of Fairfax (part); City of Falls ChurchDelMSimon@house.virginia.govD
Simonds, Shelly A.70thCity of Newport News (part)DelSSimonds@house.virginia.govD
Singh, J J26thCounty of Loudoun (part)DelJSingh@house.virginia.govD
Sullivan, Richard C. (Rip), Jr.6thCounty of Fairfax (part)DelRSullivan@house.virginia.govD
Tata, Anne Ferrell H.99thCity of Virginia Beach (part)DelAFTata@house.virginia.govR
Taylor, Kimberly A.82ndCounties of Dinwiddie (part), Prince George (part), and Surry; City of PetersburgDelKTaylor@house.virginia.govR
Thomas, Josh21stCounty of Prince William (part)DelJThomas@house.virginia.govD
Torian, Luke E.24thCounty of Prince William (part)DelLTorian@house.virginia.govD
Tran, Kathy KL18thCounty of Fairfax (part)DelKTran@house.virginia.govD
Wachsmann, Howard Otto, Jr.83rdCounties of Brunswick, Dinwiddie (part), Greensville, Isle of Wight (part), Southampton, and Sussex; City of EmporiaDelOWachsmann@house.virginia.govR
Walker, Wendell S.52ndCounty of Campbell (part); City of LynchburgDelWWalker@house.virginia.govR
Ward, Jeion A.87thCity of Hampton (part)DelJWard@house.virginia.govD
Ware, R. Lee72ndCounties of Amelia, Chesterfield (part), Nottoway, and PowhatanDelLWare@house.virginia.govR
Watts, Vivian E.14thCounty of Fairfax (part)DelVWatts@house.virginia.govD
Webert, Michael J.61stCounties of Culpeper (part), Fauquier (part), and RappahannockDelMWebert@house.virginia.govR
Wiley, William D. (Bill)32ndCounty of Frederick (part); City of WinchesterDelBWiley@house.virginia.govR
Willett, Rodney T.58thCounty of Henrico (part)DelRWillett@house.virginia.govD
Williams, Wren M.47thCounties of Carroll, Floyd, Henry (part), and Patrick; City of GalaxDelWWilliams@house.virginia.govR
Wilt, Tony O.34thCounty of Rockingham (part); City of HarrisonburgDelTWilt@house.virginia.govR
Wright, Thomas C., Jr.50thCounties of Charlotte, Halifax (part), Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, and Prince Edward (part)DelTWright@house.virginia.govR
Wyatt, Scott A.60thCounties of Hanover (part) and New Kent (part)DelSWyatt@house.virginia.govR
Zehr, Eric51stCounties of Bedford (part), Campbell (part), and Pittsylvania (part)DelEZehr@house.virginia.govR

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