Meeting Date & Time: | 01/29/2025 06:00 PM | |
Location: | House Committee Room B - 205 | |
Testimony: | Signup to speak or submit comments | |
Additional Resource(s): |
Active item: | Meeting Adjourned | |
Video: | Archived |
Committee Clerk: |
(804) 698-1541 (Hooe) |
DLS Contact: |
(804) 698 - 1862 (Wade), (804) 698-1888 (Jones) |
Bill(s) | Patron | |
HB1620 | Clark | Department of Labor and Industry; work group to evaluate workplace violence. |
HB1658 | Keys-Gamarra | Board of Housing and Community Development; USBC; stakeholder group to evaluate temperature regulation. |
HB1772 | Hope | Autism Advisory Council; name change, membership, repeals sunset date. |
HB1823 | Reid | Lynching Sites Memorialization, Virginia Commission on; established, report, sunset. |
HB1949 | Hernandez | Coastal storm risk management; Off. of Commonwealth Resilience to study cost of feasibility study. |
HB1978 | Cohen | Assisted living facility administrators; Joint Commission on Health Care to study licensure. |
HB2325 | Simonds | Local & Regional jails, St. Bd.; standards/regulations for pregnant/postpartum incarcerated person |
HB2372 | Sickles | Health Care, Joint Commission on; duty to study proposed health insurance mandates. |
HB2380 | Hodges | HHR, Secretary of; Pharmacy Benefits Manager & Third-Party Administrator Oversight Work Group. |
HB2617 | Mundon King | Women's Health, Commission on; established, report. |
Bill(s) | Patron | |
HJ434 | Feggans | Coastal storm risk management studies; non-federal sponsor contributions by localities. |
HJ435 | Feggans | Guam History and Chamorro Heritage Day; designating as first Monday in March 2025. |
HJ437 | Convirs-Fowler | Recurrent Flooding, Joint Subcommittee on; reestablished and its work continued. |
HJ440 | Simon | Public school libraries; JLARC to study removal of books. |
HJ441 | Martinez | Elementary/secondary schools; Va. Com. on youth to study policies to support student mental health. |
HJ443 | Simonds | Consolidation and scheduling of general elections; joint subcommittee to study. |
HJ446 | Feggans | Zero Waste Awareness Week; designating as first full week of Sept. 2025 & each succeeding year. |
HJ447 | Anthony | Statewide food desert mapping tool; Virginia Commission to End Hunger to establish, report. |
HJ448 | Krizek | Litter tax; Department of Environmental Quality to study tax policy options for reforming. |
HJ463 | Henson | Migration of individuals age 60 & older; JLARC to study causation and resulting impact. |
HJ466 | McClure | Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Awareness Month; designating as May 2025 and in each succeeding year. |
HJ473 | Kent | Commercial Waterman Safety Week. |
HJ497 | Krizek | Retail cannabis market; joint commission established to oversee transition of the Commonwealth. |
HJ499 | Green | Krabbe Disease Awareness Day. |
HJ500 | Green | Election Worker Appreciation Day. |
HJ502 | Herring | Governor; portrait. |
HJ507 | Bloxom | Emergency Management Professionals Week. |
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