Virginia House of Delegates Committee Agendas

House Courts of Justice Committee
Chair: Hope, Patrick A.

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Meeting Date & Time: 01/29/2025 15 minutes after adjournment of Finance Committee
Location: House Committee Room C - 206
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Active item: Meeting Adjourned
Video: Archived
Committee Clerk:
(804) 698-1542 (Johnson); (804) 698-1544 (Aaronson)
DLS Contact:
(804) 698 - 1815 (Olwine), (804) 698-1829 (Hatcher), (804) 698 - 1831 (Heard)

A. Announcements, Administrative Actions and Bill/s to Consider - Chairman Hope

Appropriations - HB2260

Bill(s) Patron
HB2260 Delaney Child in need of supervision; expands definition.

B. Block Vote (uncontested) Criminal Subcommittee - Delegate Watts

Bill(s) Patron
HB1845 Arnold Limitation on prosecution of felony due to lapse of time after finding of probable cause; exceptions; competency evaluation.
HB2177 Walker Unmanned aircraft systems; use by public bodies, certain employees.
HB2308 Hodges Nitrous oxide; inhaling drugs or other noxious chemical substances or causing others to do so, etc.
HB2310 Davis Use of communications system to expose sexual or genital parts to a child; penalty.
HB2370 Wilt Cigarette delivery sales; clarifies definition of "delivery sale."
HB2472 Batten Juveniles; fingerprints, palm prints, and photographs, effective date.
HB2560 Lopez Defendant; notifying consequences criminal proceedings can have on immigration.
HB2652 Davis Bail and recognizance; appeal of conviction.
HB2708 Wachsmann Controlled substances; prohibited equipment related to manufacturing, selling, etc.; penalties.

C. Contested Criminal Subcommittee - Delegate Watts

Bill(s) Patron
HB1713 Watts Jurisdiction of district courts in felony cases; specialty dockets; Behavioral Health Docket Act.
HB2328 Simonds Admission to bail; pregnant persons or persons who have recently given birth.
HB2657 Thomas Involuntary manslaughter; certain drug offenses.
HB2692 Glass Custodial interrogations; false statements to a child prohibited, inauthentic replica documents.

D. Criminal Subcommittee Appropriations Bills - Delegate Watts

HB2730 uncontested

Bill(s) Patron
HB1712 Watts Arrest of certain persons with or without a warrant not required.
HB1865 Callsen Virginia Access to Justice Act.
HB2556 Batten Address Confidentiality Program; removal of Program participant, penalty.
HB2723 Herring Criminal records; expungement and sealing of records, repeals Sealing Fee Fund.
HB2724 Herring Automatic license plate recognition systems; use, reports, penalty.
HB2730 Hope Virginia State Crime Commission; designating review panel, cases involving Mary Jane Burton, report.

E. Block Vote (uncontested) Civil Subcommittee - Delegate Simon

Bill(s) Patron
HB2130 Keys-Gamarra Juvenile respondent in protective order proceeding; other dispositions.
HB2636 Webert Assignment of causes of action; limitations.
HB2689 Green Marriage; penalty for failure to certify record, persons other than minister, subject to penalties.

F. Contested Civil Subcommittee - Delegate Simon

Bill(s) Patron
HB1730 Delaney Civil actions; liability of employer or principal for criminal sexual assault by employee or agent.
HB2613 Clark Child abuse and neglect; custody and visitation, possession or consumption of authorized substances.
HB2678 Singh Title of purchase; judicial sale, application to divorce or equitable distribution proceedings.

G. Civil Subcommittee Appropriations Bills - Delegate Simon

Both bills are uncontested.

Bill(s) Patron
HB2187 Freitas Children's Ombudsman; powers and duties.
HB2596 Rasoul Appointment of guardian ad litem; child in need of services or supervision.

H. Judicial Subcommittee Report - Delegate Maldonado

HB2249: Incorporate into HB2729 (voice vote)

HB2361: Incorporate into HB2729 (voice vote)

HB2162: Appropriations

HB2729: Appropriations

Bill(s) Patron
HB2162 Carr Substitute judge of a district court; per diem compensation.
HB2249 Green Judges; increases maximum number in general district court in Ninth Judicial District.
HB2361 Torian Judges; increases maximum number in general district court in the Thirty-first Judicial District.
HB2599 Cherry Chief judges; designation of cases to be heard in the Twelfth Judicial District.
HB2729 Hope Judges in each judicial districts and circuits; increases maximum number.

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