Virginia House of Delegates Committee Agendas

House Appropriations Committee
Chair: Torian, Luke E.

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Meeting Date & Time: 02/19/2024 15 Minutes after adjournment of the House
Location: House Appropriations Committee Room - 1200
Active item: Meeting Adjourned
Video: Archived
Committee Clerk:
804-698-1942 (Will Carli)
Staff Contact:
804-698-1590 (Karnes), 804-698 - 1817 (Kaplan), 804-698-1832

Bills Before the Committee

Bill(s) Patron
SB458 Marsden Virginia Retirement System; plan credits and accounts.
SB399 McDougle Six-year financial plan; modifies requirements for plans submitted by Governor to General Assembly.
SB510 Stanley Investment of public funds; qualified public entity allowed to invest in asset-backed securities.
SB585 Deeds Capital outlay plan; repeals existing six-year capital outlay for projects to be funded.
SB599 Emergency Lucas Commonwealth of Virginia Higher Educational Institutions Bond Act of 2024; created.
SB627 Lucas College and Career Ready Virginia Program and Fund; established and created.

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