Virginia House of Delegates Committee Agendas

House General Laws Committee
Chair: Bulova, David L.

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Meeting Date & Time: 02/08/2024 30 min after adjournment of Professions/Occupations & Administrative Process Subcommittee
Location: House Committee Room B - 205
Testimony: Signup to speak or submit comments
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Video: Archived
Committee Clerk:
(804) 698-1940
DLS Contact:
804-698-1812 (Binns); 804-698-1868 (Frye); 804-698-1863; (Schultz)

ABC/Gaming Subcommittee Report, Chair: Paul Krizek

Bills recommended to report - uncontested

Bill(s) Patron
HB815 Cherry Medical cannabis program; product expiration, confidentiality, penalty.
HB1018 Wilt Investigators; powers, enforcement of certain tobacco laws.

Procurement/Open Government Subcommittee Report, Chair: Betsy Carr

Bills recommended to Continue

Bill(s) Patron
HB1371 Simon Virginia Public Procurement Act; local arbitration agreements.

Procurement/Open Government Subcommittee Report, Chair: Betsy Carr

Bills recommended to report - uncontested

Patrons whose bills were reported uncontested from the subcommittee do not need to appear before the General Laws Committee.

Bill(s) Patron
HB816 Cherry FOIA; meetings held through electronic communication during declared states of emergency.
HB818 Cherry Virginia Freedom of Information Act; amends definition of meeting, provisions of Act.
HB1101 Wiley Virginia Public Procurement Act; adds to definition of professional services.
HB1116 Carr Virginia Public Procurement Act; methods of procurement, certain construction projects.
HB1361 Feggans Va. Public Procurement Act; preference for goods produced in Virginia, U.S., & Va. resident bidders.

Procurement/Open Government Subcommittee Report, Chair: Betsy Carr

Bills recommended to report - contested

Bill(s) Patron
HB1273 Krizek VA Public Procurement Act; additional public works contract requirements, delayed effective date.

Housing/Consumer Protection Subcommittee Report, Chair: Marcus Simon

Bills recommended to continue

Bill(s) Patron
HB954 Lopez VA Human Rights Act; prohibits discrimination on the basis of citizenship or immigration status.
HB1092 Oates Uniform Statewide Building Code; amending Code, local building officials.
HB1253 McClure Affordable dwelling unit ordinances; accessible units for persons with a physical disability.

Housing/Consumer Protection Subcommittee Report, Chair: Marcus Simon

Bills recommended to incorporate

Bill(s) Patron
HB567 Askew Electric vehicle charging stations; requirement for certain developments.

Housing/Consumer Protection Subcommittee Report, Chair: Marcus Simon

Bills recommended to strike

Bill(s) Patron
HB703 Webert Transit and school bus shelters; regulations and requirements for concrete pad construction.

Housing/Consumer Protection Subcommittee Report, Chair: Marcus Simon

Bills recommended to report - uncontested

Patrons whose bills were reported uncontested from the subcommittee do not need to appear before the General Laws Committee.

Bill(s) Patron
HB285 McQuinn Uniform Statewide Building Code; construction of bus shelters.
HB368 McClure Uniform Statewide Building Code; Board of HCD to convene advisory group to evaluate.
HB782 Herring Virginia Human Rights Act; complaint or charge of discrimination, right to file civil action.
HB852 Williams Local government ordinances related to fire departments; billing on behalf of volunteer fire depts.
HB1351 Williams Virginia Consumer Protection Act; prohibited practices, selling ignition interlock system.

Housing/Consumer Protection Subcommittee Report, Chair: Marcus Simon

Bills recommended to report - contested

Bill(s) Patron
HB327 Feggans Affordable and inclusive housing; DBHDS to develop plan to ensure people w/disabilities have access.
HB405 McClure Electric vehicle charging facilities; infrastructure necessary to support installation.
HB578 McQuinn Uniform Statewide Building Code; violations, increases fines.
HB955 Lopez Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; summary of rental agreement provisions.
HB957 Lopez Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; tenant's remedies, condemnation of dwelling unit.
HB1397 Krizek Manufactured Home Lot Rental Act; manufactured home park, notice of sale and relocation expenses.
HB1461 Mundon King Short-term rental property; locality's ability to prohibit lessee or sublessee operator.
HB1475 Keys-Gamarra Uniform Statewide Building Code; certain building owners and operators to supply cooling & heating.

Professions/Occupations & Administrative Process Subcommittee Report, Chair: Karrie Delaney

Bills recommended to continue

Bill(s) Patron
HB248 Glass Autonomous agent; regulations for an applicant requesting licensure of an agent.
HB1192 Scott, P.A. State debt collection; establishes statute of limitations.
HB1390 Cole Human Resource Management, Department of; disclosure of certain information.

Professions/Occupations & Administrative Process Subcommittee Report, Chair: Karrie Delaney

Bills recommended to strike

Bill(s) Patron
HB1428 Shin Regulatory boards; application review timelines.

Professions/Occupations & Administrative Process Subcommittee Report, Chair: Karrie Delaney

Bills recommended to report - uncontested

Patrons whose bills were reported uncontested from the subcommittee do not need to appear before the General Laws Committee.

Bill(s) Patron
HB1182 Ennis Professional wetland delineator; certification requirements.
HB1337 Runion Accountancy, Board of; powers and duties, repeals requirement for an annual audit of the Board.
HB1381 Runion Rural Virginia, Center for; renames Center the Senator Frank M. Ruff, Jr. Center for Rural Virginia.
HB1399 Bloxom Potato Board; reduces membership.
HB1430 Hodges Library boards; adds King & Queen County to list of localities that are not required to establish.

Professions/Occupations & Administrative Process Subcommittee Report, Chair: Karrie Delaney

Bills recommended to report - contested

Bill(s) Patron
HB576 Glass Contractors, Board for; required regulations and disclosures.
HB1452 Askew State agencies and their appointing authorities; diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic plans.

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