House Committee Report 02/07/2024

House Appropriations Committee - Chair: Luke Torian

Meeting Date & Time: 02/07/2024
HB14 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
HB45 Reported from Appropriations (13-Y 9-N)
HB126 Reported from Appropriations (22-Y 0-N)
HB134 Reported from Appropriations with amendment(s) (22-Y 0-N)
HB175 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (12-Y 10-N)
HB187 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (15-Y 7-N)
HB212 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (12-Y 10-N)
HB215 Reported from Appropriations with amendment(s) (14-Y 8-N)
HB309 Reported from Appropriations (22-Y 0-N)
HB351 Reported from Appropriations (12-Y 10-N)
HB362 Reported from Appropriations (13-Y 9-N)
HB374 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
HB398 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (14-Y 8-N)
HB419 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
HB457 Reported from Appropriations (13-Y 9-N)
HB496 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (21-Y 0-N 1-A)
HB574 Reported from Appropriations (22-Y 0-N)
HB580 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (14-Y 8-N)
HB611 Reported from Appropriations (13-Y 9-N)
HB617 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (18-Y 4-N)
HB624 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (21-Y 0-N)
HB625 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (16-Y 6-N)
HB626 Reported from Appropriations with amendment(s) (22-Y 0-N)
HB677 Reported from Appropriations with amendment(s) (14-Y 8-N)
HB730 Reported from Appropriations (22-Y 0-N)
HB732 Reported from Appropriations with amendment(s) (22-Y 0-N)
HB798 Reported from Appropriations (13-Y 9-N)
HB803 Reported from Appropriations (13-Y 9-N)
HB825 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (14-Y 8-N)
HB827 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (17-Y 5-N)
HB916 Reported from Appropriations (13-Y 9-N)
HB960 Reported from Appropriations with amendment(s) (14-Y 8-N)
HB1075 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
HB1084 Reported from Appropriations (22-Y 0-N)
HB1085 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
HB1088 Reported from Appropriations (12-Y 10-N)
HB1089 Reported from Appropriations with amendment(s) (22-Y 0-N)
HB1105 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
HB1108 Reported from Appropriations (22-Y 0-N)
HB1177 Reported from Appropriations (12-Y 10-N)
HB1195 Reported from Appropriations (12-Y 10-N)
HB1224 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
HB1244 Reported from Appropriations (11-Y 10-N)
HB1247 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (14-Y 8-N)
HB1375 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
HB1388 Reported from Appropriations (22-Y 0-N)
HB1404 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (15-Y 7-N)
HB1454 Reported from Appropriations (13-Y 9-N)
HJ10 Reported from Appropriations (22-Y 0-N)
HJ30 Reported from Appropriations (22-Y 0-N)
HJ43 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
HJ67 Reported from Appropriations with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
HJ76 Reported from Appropriations (12-Y 9-N)
HB181 Continued to 2025 in Appropriations
HB270 Continued to 2025 in Appropriations
HB319 Continued to 2025 in Appropriations
HB359 Continued to 2025 in Appropriations
HB386 Continued to 2025 in Appropriations
HB512 Continued to 2025 in Appropriations
HB582 Continued to 2025 in Appropriations
HB602 Continued to 2025 in Appropriations
HB1305 Continued to 2025 in Appropriations

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