House Committee Report 02/04/2016

House Transportation Committee - Chair: Karrie Delaney

Meeting Date & Time: 02/04/2016
HB10 Reported from Transportation (21-Y 0-N)
HB117 Reported from Transportation with substitute (21-Y 0-N)
HB267 Reported from Transportation (21-Y 0-N)
HB289 Reported from Transportation with amendment (21-Y 0-N)
HB417 Reported from Transportation with amendment (19-Y 2-N)
HB653 Reported from Transportation (21-Y 0-N)
HB730 Reported from Transportation with amendment (18-Y 3-N) Referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB748 Reported from Transportation with substitute (21-Y 0-N)
HB869 Reported from Transportation with substitute (21-Y 0-N)
HB897 Reported from Transportation with substitute (21-Y 0-N)
HB938 Reported from Transportation with substitute (21-Y 0-N)
HB939 Reported from Transportation (19-Y 2-N)
HB1060 Reported from Transportation with amendment (21-Y 0-N)
HB1069 Reported from Transportation with substitute (17-Y 4-N) Referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB1070 Reported from Transportation with substitute (21-Y 0-N) Referred to Committee on Appropriations
HB1232 Reported from Transportation with substitute (21-Y 0-N)
HB169 Incorporated by Transportation (HB1069-Jones)
HB1381 Stricken from docket by Transportation

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