House Committee Report 01/17/2017

House Privileges and Elections - Gubernatorial Appointments Committee - Chair: Kelly Convirs-Fowler

Meeting Date & Time: 01/17/2017
HB1428 Subcommittee recommends reporting (5-Y 2-N) Subcommittee recommends referring to Committee on Appropriations
HB1912 Subcommittee recommends reporting (7-Y 0-N)
HB1462 Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely
HB1603 Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely
HB1631 Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely
HB1818 Subcommittee recommends laying on the table
HB1819 Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely
HB1904 Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely
HB1935 Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely
HB1953 Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely
HB2068 Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely
HB2180 Subcommittee recommends passing by indefinitely
HB2275 Subcommittee recommends laying on the table

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