House Committee Report 02/02/2016

House Labor and Commerce Committee - Chair: Jeion Ward

Meeting Date & Time: 02/02/2016
HB175 Reported from Commerce and Labor (21-Y 1-N)
HB611 Reported from Commerce and Labor with substitute (20-Y 0-N; 2-A)
HB756 Reported from Commerce and Labor with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
HB820 Reported from Commerce and Labor with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
HB851 Reported from Commerce and Labor with substitute (22-Y 0-N)
HB870 Reported from Commerce and Labor with substitute (21-Y 0-N)
HB968 Reported from Commerce and Labor with amendments (22-Y 0-N)
HB1332 Referred from Commerce and Labor Referred to Committee on Science and Technology
HB130 Continued to in Commerce and Labor
HB362 Continued to in Commerce and Labor
HB400 Continued to in Commerce and Labor
HB401 Continued to in Commerce and Labor
HB502 Tabled in Commerce and Labor
HB837 Stricken from docket by Commerce and Labor
HB984 Stricken from docket by Commerce and Labor

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